How to start?

Create your Rentger account and start managing your properties, documents, accounting, income, payments and contacts right now.
Try for free

1. Create your free account

If you have 9 or fewer properties you can use Rentger for free. If you have more, you have up to 15 days free and then you can activate the plan you want.

Create your Rentger account

2. Set up your account

Configure your preferences, such as contract end notice dates, notices, and rent update rules.

You have doubts? Consult the Help Center

3. Import your data

Import all your information from your previous program. At Rentger, you have all types of importers and our support team helps you throughout the migration.

Chat with our team

4. Get started and automate

You can add owners and tenants of each of the assets, generate reports, reconcile bank transactions, receive incidents and much more.

Get started with these simple steps

Do you already have your Rentger account?

1. Import your data

Load your first asset with only the property address. You can add all contacts, documents and data linked to the property.

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2. Invite your tenants

You can use Rentger as a communication channel with your tenants and share with them the documents you need on the platform.

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3. Upload or import income

You can automate income accounting and receive payments online. If you have past income you can import it from Excel or any way you prefer.

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4. Load or import expenses

You can automate the recording of recurring expenses. You can also upload specific expenses manually, from Excel or with the method you prefer.

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5. All communications on the platform

Bring together landlord-tenant communications and contacts in one place. Communicate delays in payments, non-payments, return of the deposit, repairs.

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6. Alerts

You can automate the recording of recurring expenses. You can also upload specific expenses manually, from Excel or with the method you prefer.

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7. Document management

Have all the documents of a property in one place (cadastre, mortgage, invoices, payments of taxes and fees, inventories). Share the ones you want with the tenants and use the online signature.

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8. Reports

You can automate the recording of recurring expenses. You can also upload specific expenses manually, from Excel or with the method you prefer.

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